ENUSP started campaign against the Draft Additional Protocol to the Oviedo Convention

By | 18/04/2018

On April 11, 2018 ENUSP sent a call to its members to encourage them to address the national stakeholders and raise awareness about the danger the Draft Additional Protocol poses for the rights of (ex-)users and survivors of psychiatry.

Our members from 15 countries has already started action, by informing other national actors and addressing the Members of the Bioethics Committee.

For more information see:  the call ENUSP sent to members with information about the Draft Protocol

The sample letter in English can be found here: Sample letter against the Draft Additional Protocol

The letters sent to the outside players:

By our member organization in Finland Seinäjoen Alueen Mielenterveysyhdistyksen (SAMY ry)

By our member in Denmark: Brev til Emilie Sørensen sum

By our members in Spain: Objeción al “Borrador del Protocolo Adicional de la Convención de Oviedo sobre los Derechos Humanos y Biomedicina”

By our member organization in France: Lettre de protestation contre projet de Protocol additionnel Oviedo

Lettre aux membres français Comité DH BIO

ENUSP Note d’information Projet Protocole CoE


By our members in Romania: Letter against CoE Protocol, Romania

By our members in Italy: Alla gentile attenzione di Membri del Comitato Nazionale per la Bioetica

By our member in Georgia: პროტესტი ოვიედოს პროტოკოლის პროექტის წინააღმდეგ

Information about the Draft protocol, translated by our member in Italy: Call to members with information about the Draft Protocol