Landesverband der Psychiatrieerfahrenen in Rheinland-Pfalz e.V. – Association of (ex)users /survivors of psychiatry in Rhine-Palatinate e.V., Germany

Association of Survivors. Scale: regional and national (telephone consulting service and specialized telephone service centered on traumatized survivors planned and scheduled from April 2016).

150+ members, 98% (ex)users /survivors of psychiatry and 2% sponsor membership.

Objectives and aims: we encourage alternative ways in treatment following the principles of Empowerment and Recovery. Moreover we do peer-to-peer and political work on different levels.

Activities: We are organizing conferences, workshops and EX/IN education; besides that we influence political tasks in different national, regional and local political committees and boards. We are working on complaints of (ex)users /survivors of psychiatry and offer a counselling service (peer support) and local EX/IN services for them.

Full address: Gratianstraße 7, D-54294 Trier, Germany

Tel.: +49-(0)651-1707967;



Representatives: Chairman Franz-Josef Wagner; Deputy Chairman Carsten Hoffmann Ph.D.

Contact e-mails:;

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