7th ENUSP Congress held in Hilleröd, Denmark, 2014
The 7th ENUSP Congress was held in Hilleröd, Denmark. 58 participants from 19 European countries participated in the Congress. The delegates adopted the agenda of the General Assembly and approved the former report of the General Assembly in Thessaloniki, 2010. Gabriela Tanasan presented annual reports for 2011-2012.
The delegates adopted the new revised Statutes and finally elected the new board. Most nominees were elected unanimously. Olga Kalina from Georgia was elected as the new Chair of ENUSP. Guadalupe Morales from Spain was elected as the Deputy Chair.
Additional information about the 7th ENUSP Congress can be found here:
Presentation of Tina Minkowitz Understanding and Using the CRPD
Presentation of Jasna Russo Survivor-controlled research
Description of the Congress in the blog of Jolijn Santegoeds
“Strategy for Empowerment-Key areas of action”
The seminar brought together 19 representatives of users/survivors groups from 12 EU countries: Croatia, Denmark, Finland, France, Ireland, Germany, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Spain, Sweden, and UK. The objectives of the seminar were: reviewing the strategy, making decisions on key area of actions and how to implement the strategy, maintaining continuous and effective work.
Seminar in Bucharest-December 2013
ENUSP held its 6th Congress, together with The Pan-Hellenic Committee of (ex-) Users and survivors of Psychiatry, in Thessalloniki, Greece in October 2010. The Congress was supported by Aristotle University Thessaloniki, the Mental Health Europe under Progress Programme and Open Society Foundations. A full report of the Congress can be read or downloaded below.
“NOTHING ABOUT US WITHOUT US-How to make this a reality?”, Brussels 2009
The seminar brought together 26 users/survivors from the following twenty countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Holland, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden and UK. The full report on the seminar can be read or downloaded below.
Empowerment seminar, Brussels 2009
ENUSP and the World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry (WNUSP) held a joint conference in Denmark in 2004. At the conference, WNUSP passed a resolution on the United Nations Convention on Human Rights and Disability.
Luxembourg – 19-21 February 1999
Third Conference 3-6 January 1997
The report of the Third Conference includes speeches, workshop-reports about alternatives, runaway-houses, employment etc.
Our Own Understanding of Ourselves Report about the seminar in Kolding/Denmark (December 1994) about the varying self-understanding and self-definition of (ex-) users and survivors of psychiatry. Contributions by Maths Jesperson, Kerstin Kempker, Theresia Krummenacher, Mary Nettle, Jasna Russo and many others.
Second European Conference of Users and Ex-Users in Mental Health Documentation of the speeches in Elsinore/Denmark (May 1994) about the World Federation of Psychiatric Users, alternatives, the Psychiatric Will, social integration, human rights, treatment methodes etc. Contributions by Judi Chamberlin, Peter Lehmann, Mary O’Hagan, Jan Wallcraft and many others.
First European Conference of Users and Ex-Users in Mental Health Report about the establishing of the Network in Zandvoort/Netherlands (October 1991), its structure and tasks. With the Zandvoort Declaration on Common Interests.