The Icelandic Mental Health Alliance (Geðhjálp)
Geðhjálp is a national organization, the association of 3.000 members, users, ex-users, family members, professionals and enthusiasts for improving the lives of people with mental health issues and psychosocial disabilities in Iceland.
Organisation structure
There is a board of 9 members (one of them being chairman), a general manager and four other employees.
Objectives and aims
The association works towards improving services, defending rights and preventing prejudice by advocacy, consultation and distribution of information and knowledge. The values of Geðhjálp are courage, respect for personal dignity and solidarity.
Geðhjálp works on behalf of people with mental health issues and psychosocial disabilities in the public sphere. The association works towards improving services, defending rights and preventing prejudice by advocacy, consultation and distribution of information and knowledge. The advocacy of Geðhjálp involves assisting people in pursuing their legal rights, for example by providing information about complaints procedures and providing advice to the respective solutions, organizations, companies and the government. For example, Geðhjálp writes criticism about proposed bills for changes in the health care system and works on board committees for public policy-making.
Geðhjálp organizes meetings, lectures, and conferences on the matters of people with mental health issues and psychosocial disabilities.
Full address: Borgartun 30, 105 Reykjavik, Iceland
Tel: +354-570-1700
Name and position of the person representing the organisation:
Anna Gunnhildur Ólafsdóttir, General Manager of Geðhjálp
Name and details (tel, e-mail) of contact person:
Anna Gunnhildur Ólafsdóttir. Tel:+354-570-1700. Email: