Elizabeth Winder for ENUSP: The Value+ Toolkit: For Patient Organisations on Meaningful Patient Involvement – Patients Adding Value to Policy, Projects and Services. An easy-to-read document for patient organisations, describing good practice in involving patients. The project outcomes include the Value+ Toolkit and Value+ Handbook which provide a comprehensive evidence-based overview of current practice and trends, success factors and challenges regarding patient involvement in EU health-related projects. Incl Policy Recommendations designed to support the meaningful involvement of patients in EC-supported projects, so that the outcomes of these projects really reflect the patient perspective.
ENUSP is working towards a Europe where:
all people are free to be themselves, are valued equally and treated with dignity,
all people have the power to make their own life choices and to speak for themselves,
all people have access to a range of supports which respect their autonomy and dignity,
all people are protected from poverty and have an equal chance to live their lives to their full potential,
all human crisis is seen in its social context; it is not medically labelled or feared, but is embraced as an opportunity for individual and community growth,
all the knowledge of people who have experienced extreme crisis is valued, cultivated and informs systems of support,
all the above conditions are equally true everywhere in Europe