Tribute to Debra Shulkes (Nov.11, 1975-Oct.16, 2022)
ENUSP Public Message regarding the Draft Additional Protocol to the Oviedo Convention, 8 March 2021
COVID-19 Joint Statement, March 26, 2020 (English version)
List of Good Practices, recommended by ENUSP, updated, Jan 2020
Joint Statement on ECtHR case Stoian vs Romania (initiated by EDF), July 2019
Open letter to WPA, March 19, 2019
Open letter to the Global Ministerial MH Summit
ENUSP Submission regarding Draft Additional Protocol to the Oviedo Convention, 6th December 2017
ENUSP letter to CSA regarding the show “Fort Boyard”
Joint Statement of ENUSP and MHE on Additional Protocol to Oviedo Convention, 6th June, 2017
ENUSP presentation at the EESC Civil Society Hearing, September 14, 2016
List of the best practices, recommended by ENUSP
ENUSP submission regarding the Draft Additional Protocol to the Oviedo Convention, 15 November 2015
ENUSP Shadow report, 2015: Submission on CRPD implementation in the European Union, CRPD-Committee, 14th session (see pdf)
ENUSP: French mental health law breaches human rights and must be repealed (2012)
ENUSP tells UN Torture Watchdog: Cage beds must be banned (2012)
Lehmann, Peter: Users and Survivors of Psychiatry on the International Stage: a snapshot (2009)
Anne-Laure Donskoy’s paper for the Prevention of depression and suicide conference (2009)
WHO Europe: Mental Health Declaration 2005-2010, translated into Danish (2007)
Heleen van der Leest – In memoriam: Paul Jan Francois Fijn, 2005
Wilma Boevink: Third Meeting of the EU Mental Health Working Party, Luxembourg, 30-31 May 2005
Draft EU Green Paper on Mental Health, version May 26th 2005
Information about the madhouse Poiana Mare (Romania) where 17 patients died in 2004
Peter Lehmann: Promotion of mental health and prevention of mental disorders by empowerment (1999)