
Tribute to Debra Shulkes (Nov.11, 1975-Oct.16, 2022)

ENUSP Public Message regarding the Draft Additional Protocol to the Oviedo Convention, 8 March 2021

ENUSP: Third Party Intervention in relation to the European Court of Human Rights Advisory Opinion on the Oviedo Convention: interpretation of Article 7 of the Oviedo Convention which contains provisions relating to non-consensual interventions carried out on a person with a “mental disorder”, 18 Nov.2020

ENUSP request to leave written comments in the proceedings of ECtHR related to the request of advisory opinion by CoE Committee on Bioethics, 29 Sept, 2020

COVID-19 Joint Statement, March 26, 2020 (English version)

List of Good Practices, recommended by ENUSP, updated, Jan 2020

ENUSP and EDF condemn appalling human rights violations in the Pliskiv Psychoneurological Institution in Vinnytsia, Ukraine, November 15, 2019

Joint Statement on ECtHR case Stoian vs Romania (initiated by EDF), July 2019

Open letter to WPA, March 19, 2019

Open letter to the Global Ministerial MH Summit

Appraisal of the WHO’s Quality Rights Program in mental health, ENUSP letter to Director General of WHO, 30 Aug.2018

ENUSP Submission regarding Draft Additional Protocol to the Oviedo Convention, 6th December 2017

ENUSP letter to CSA regarding the show “Fort Boyard”

ENUSP letter to the Minister of Health of the Republic of Lithuania regarding the “training course” in the psychiatric institution

Joint Statement of ENUSP and MHE on Additional Protocol to Oviedo Convention, 6th June, 2017

ENUSP letter to speakers and participants of the Conference in Cyprus “Human rights: a reality for all.”

ENUSP presentation at the EESC Civil Society Hearing, September 14, 2016

ENUSP submission for the Day of General Discussion (DGD) on the right of persons with Disabilities to live independently and be included in the community, April 16, 2016

ENUSP statement as part of the Absolute Prohibition campaign “Forced psychiatric interventions constitute a violation of human rights and disable care”, March 29, 2016

List of the best practices, recommended by ENUSP

ENUSP submission regarding the Draft Additional Protocol to the Oviedo Convention, 15 November 2015

ENUSP Shadow report, 2015: Submission on CRPD implementation in the European Union, CRPD-Committee, 14th session (see pdf)

ENUSP submission for the List of Issues on the European Union regarding CRPD implementation (March 2015)

ENUSP: French mental health law breaches human rights and must be repealed (2012)

ENUSP tells UN Torture Watchdog: Cage beds must be banned (2012)

Elizabeth Winder for ENUSP: The Value + Toolkit: For Patient Organisations on Meaningful Patient Involvement – Patients Adding Value to Policy, Projects and Services (2010)

Lehmann, Peter: Users and Survivors of Psychiatry on the International Stage: a snapshot (2009)

Debra Shulkes in the name of the board of ENUSP: Why the European Network of (ex-) Users and Survivors of Psychiatry is engaging in action to prevent depression and/or suicide and other relevant contextual information (2009)

Anne-Laure Donskoy’s paper for the Prevention of depression and suicide conference (2009)

Lehmann, Peter: Users and Survivors of Psychiatry on the International Stage: a snapshot. Article about international activities incl. ENUSP from December 2008

WNUSP: Implementation Manual for the United Nations Convention on the Righs of Persons with Disabilities (2008)

WHO Europe: Mental Health Declaration 2005-2010, translated into Danish (2007)

Peter Lehmann: Keynote presentation at “Whose Recovery is it Anyway”, congress run by the Social Perspectives Network, London, October 16, 2007

STOP THE PSYCHIATRIC VIOLENCE. Action against the 1st Eastern European Psychiatric Congress in Thessaloniki, Greece, from September 21, 2007

Heike Oldenburg: MAKE 2007 THE YEAR OF MAD PRIDE!! Macht 2007 das Jahr des Stolz des Wahnsinns! Bericht über die Betroffenenaktivitäten beim WPA-Kongress “Zwangsbehandlung in der Psychiatrie” im Eppendorfer, August 2007

Wilma Boevink: From alien to actor. Lecture held during The Public Hearing on The Green Paper on Mental Health, European Parliament, Brussels, June 8, 2006

Adam Duncan: Mental Health is going mainstream – but will anyone be left out in the cold? Report on the first consultation meeting on the EU Green Paper on Mental Health, 16-17 January, 2006

Adam Duncan: Additional points submitted on behalf of ENUSP to the EU Commission regarding the first EU Green Paper Consultation Meeting on Promoting Mental Health

Πέτερ Λέμαν: Η ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗ ΔΙΑΣΤΑΣΗ ΚΙΝΗΣΕΩΝ ΑΥΤΟΒΟΗΘΕΙΑΣ – ΑΝΘΡΩΠΩΝ ΜΕ ΨΥΧΩΣΙΚΗ ΕΜΠΕΙΡΙΑ. Η ιστορία του «Ευρωπαϊκού Δικτύου πρώην χρηστών και επιζησάντων της ψυχιατρικής» (ENUSP). In: Τετράδια Ψυχιατρικής (2005)

Heleen van der Leest – In memoriam: Paul Jan Francois Fijn, 2005

Annette Plooy, Trimbos-Institute: Report of the European Conference on Recovery and Reform, Prague 2-4 June 2005

Wilma Boevink: Third Meeting of the EU Mental Health Working Party, Luxembourg, 30-31 May 2005

Draft EU Green Paper on Mental Health, version May 26th 2005

Mary Nettle and Wilma Boevink: Response ENUSP to Draft EU Green Paper on Mental Health, May 26th 2005

Protestnote des ENUSP-Vorstands vom 14.5.2005 gegen den geplanten Verstoß gegen des Antidiskrimierungsverbot durch Senat und die Bürgerschaft des Landes Bremen

Mental Disability Advocacy Center on the WHO European Ministerial Conference on Mental Health: A follow-up (18 January 2005)

Wilma Boevink: Mental health: facing the challenges, building solutions. About us, but still without us.’ Report on the WHO Ministerial Conference on Mental Health. Helsinki, Finland, 12-15 January 2005

Upcoming WHO European Ministerial Conference on Mental Health: History and Recommendations. A position paper by the Mental Disability Advocacy Center (MDAC) from 12 January 2005

Anna Emmanouelidou (Thessaloniki): Die “Staatliche psychiatrische Heilanstalt von Leros”. (Ent-)Hospitalisierung einer Gesellschaft

Peter Lehmann: The political dimension of self-help movement of people with psychotic experiences. Paper for the “1st International Conference–Quality of Life and Psychology”, run by the Psychological Society of Northern Greece at the Aristotle University

Information about the madhouse Poiana Mare (Romania) where 17 patients died in 2004

Jan Verhaegh: Not on the Agenda: Clients and Psychiatry in Central Europe. Reflective journey through Central Europe in December 2004

Heleen van der Leest: Strengthening Patient Groups in the European Union. Summary of seminar on 26 and 27 November 2004

Harassment and discrimination faced by people with psycho-social disability in health services. A European survey (2003)

The European Public Health Alliance about the independence of patients’ organisations (paper from 2001)

Peter Lehmann: Promotion of mental health and prevention of mental disorders by empowerment (1999)

Consensus-Paper: “Conclusions of “Balancing Mental Health Promotion and Mental Health Care. Joint World Health Organization / European Commission Meeting”, Brussels, 22-24 April 1999″, “There is No Health Without Mental Health”

Peter Lehmann: Kommentar / commentaire zum Kongress “Conclusions of Balancing Mental Health Promotion and Mental Health Care”, WHO / Europäische Kommission, 22. bis 24.4.1999 in Brüssel / Un commentaire personnel au sujet du symposium du 22 au 24 avril 19

Report on the hearing of representatives of the movements A.P.R.E.S. and The Voiceless by the council of Europe, 1999, March 3

Short summary of ENUSP comments to WHO declaration on “Quality Assurance in Mental Health Care”, 1997

ENUSP: Comment to: “Quality Assurance in Mental Health Care, Draft. Human Rights of People with Mental Disorders”, WHO 1997; publication of the comment in worked-over form

ENUSP: Kommentar zu: “Quality Assurance in Mental Health Care, Draft. Human Rights of People with Mental Disorders (= Qualitätssicherung in der Psychiatrie. Entwurf. Menschenrechte von Personen mit psychischen Störungen)”, WHO 1997

Mary Nettle: Employment Needs of People with Mental Health Problems / Les besoins d’emploi des personnes ayant des troubles de santé mentale (article from 1997)

Karl Bach Jensen: Das Europäische Netzwerk von Psychiatrie-Betroffenen – Kritische Momente der Organisierung. In: Kerstin Kempker / Peter Lehmann (Hg.): Statt Psychiatrie (1993)



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