

OHCHR: 3 relevant calls for input

OHCHR announced several calls for input, among them 3 calls that we find the most important for organizations, working on the rights of (ex-)users and survivors of psychiatry. They are as follows: Report of the Special Rapporteur on rights of persons with disabilities - "Right to sexual and reproductive health rights of girls with disabilities" - Deadline 20 May 2017. Questionnaire Report of Special Rapporteur...

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DRPI Trainings on Holistic Rights Monitoring

DRPI launched online free trainings with the aim to raise capacity of people with disabilities around the world to monitor and report violations of their rights. There are 7 training modules in total, each of them addressing a different theme. You will find checklist forms, quizzes and videos illustrating the information. You can start your training at http://drpitraining.research.yorku.ca/

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Death of Mr. Rusi Stanev

ENUSP is deeply saddened by the death of Mr. Rusi Stanev. He experienced years of torture and humiliation in a mental health institution in Bulgaria, was deprived of legal capacity and yet stayed an active fighter for human rights and a speaker for those whose voice cannot achieve anyone, for people who stay and die in the institutions. He is a winner of a famous...

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World Mental Health Day: No force in mental health!

Today, on October 10, the World Mental Health Day, ENUSP would like to remind all relevant stakeholders and society at large that in many EU countries practices of substitute decision making, forced treatment, and forced institutionalization of persons with disabilities, including people with mental diagnoses are still considered lawful under domestic laws, while they constitute violation of human rights under the UN CRPD and are...

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ENUSP speaks at the EESC Civil Society Hearing

ENUSP representative, Stephanie Wooley, attended EESC Civil Society Hearing, held on September 14 in Brussels and made a presentation. Despite of the limited time of 3 minutes she managed to deliver our main messages and called on the EU to address more difficult issues than employment and accessibility, namely justice, legal capacity, liberty - and freedom from what must be considered torture in the name of psychiatry....

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ENUSP Shadow report

ENUSP's Shadow Report on the EU was submitted to the UN CRPD Committee in July 2015. In this report, ENUSP stressed the role the EU must play for all persons with psychosocial disabilities in the EU. Our Shadow Report provided further information to the UN CRPD Committee with the aim to have our issues included in the next phase of Constructive Dialogue during the 14th session of the UN CRPD Committee in Geneva, where the EU review...

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ENUSP raises questions for EU review by CRPD Committee

On 4 March 2015, ENUSP sent a submission to the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD Committee) to inform the members of this Committee about key issues impacting the rights of persons with psychosocial disabilities within the European Union. The submission was made in light of the upcoming review by the CRPD Committee of the European Union’s implementation of the Convention...

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ENUSP Congress in Hilleröd

The 7th ENUSP Congress was held in Hilleröd, Denmark. 58 participants from 19 European countries participated in the Congress. The delegates adopted the agenda of the General Assembly and approved the former report of the General Assembly in Thessaloniki, 2010. Gabriela Tanasan presented annual reports for 2011-2012. She briefly explained what had been done by ENUSP in the past years: The ENUSP empowerment seminar “Nothing...

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Peter Lehmann / Reinhard Wojke: Video- Photo and text documentation of “Coercive Treatment in Psychiatry”, congress run by the World Psychiatric Association (WPA) in Dresden, Germany, June 2007

Peter Lehmann / Reinhard Wojke: Video- Photo and text documentation of "Coercive Treatment in Psychiatry", congress run by the World Psychiatric Association (WPA) in Dresden, Germany, June 6-8  2007 Agreement on the involvement of (ex-)users and survivors of psychiatry (in English) from April 21, 2006 Welcome words by Thomas W. Kallert, Chairman of the Organizing Committee Keynote lecture by Judy Chamberlin Whose Voice? Whose Choice?...

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ENUSP / World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry / MindFreedom International / Federal Organisation of (ex-) Users and Survivors of Psychiatry in Germany (BPE) on June 7, 2007: Declaration of Dresden Against Coerced Psychiatric Treatment

ENUSP / World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry / MindFreedom International / Federal Organisation of (ex-) Users and Survivors of Psychiatry in Germany (BPE) on June 7, 2007: Declaration of Dresden Against Coerced Psychiatric Treatment

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