The rapport on Denmark consists mostly on the field of prisons, where many Danish prisoners are kept in solitude confinement. This is a type torture and should not persist. The rapport also has a focus on the Danish psychiatry where is states:
With regard to persons placed involuntarily at psychiatric hospitals, the report commends hospital staff’s professional and caring attitude towards the patients. It underlines that Aarhus University Hospital, with its excellent material conditions and wide range of therapeutic activities, clearly provides a beneficial environment for patients, including in its Forensic Department.
That is good news, something have improved since the last visit.
In the last / previous visit, the Danish psychiatry made headlines but much has been improved because of the EU committee critique…
However, the high frequency and long duration of fixation of psychiatric patients (adults and occasionally juveniles), remain a major concern for the CPT. The report notes positively several restraint prevention practices observed at the hospitals visited and acknowledges the efforts made by the Danish authorities to reduce recourse to means of restraint and notably to fixation; these efforts must continue. The Committee is also critical of the increased presence of police officers at the hospitals visited and recommends improving the legal safeguards for involuntary patients.
So in Denmark to many is fixated into being tied to the bed, by using the restraint of the belt. This must be replaced by other means of treatment, like therapeutic conversation and activities for patients.