ENUSP recommends the following services for the consideration of policymakers.
- Open Dialogue Approach from Finland
See: http://www.mindfreedom.org/kb/mental-health-alternatives/finland-open-dialogue
An introduction to peer-supported open dialogue in mental healthcare, Russell Razzaque & Tom Stockmann, UK: http://developingopendialogue.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/An-Introduction-to-Peer-supported-open-dialogue-in-mental-healthcare.-Razzaque-Stockmann.pdf
Documentary film on Open Dialogue by D. Mackler (free on youtube) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDVhZHJagfQ&t=2819s
Open Dialogue after 19 years outcomes https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0165178117323338?fbclid=IwAR3KjQpT-cqmShUndpFoUNykk_syoXWHsn0Q5xWHmgldZ0iTS_5bFJU9qMU
- Family Group Conferencing (FGC) from the Netherlands
See: http://punkertje.waarbenjij.nu/reisverslag/4567654/presentation-text-on-eindhoven-model-cosp
- Advance Directives
See: Lehmann, Peter: “Securing human rights in the psychiatric field by advance directives”, in: Journal of Critical Psychology, Counselling and Psychotherapy, Vol. 15 (2015), No. 1, pp. 1-10 – http://www.peter-lehmann-publishing.com/articles/lehmann/pdf/lehmann_advance-directives-2014.pdf
Lehmann, Peter: “Forced psychiatric treatment (and protection against it) in Germany in 2013”, contribution for “Mad in America – Science, Psychiatry and Community” (webzine of Robert Whitaker), September 7, 2013 –http://www.madinamerica.com/2013/09/forced-psychiatric-treatment-protection-germany-2013/
- The Personal Ombudsman from Sweden, organization Po Skane
See: http://po-skane.org/in-foreign-languages/ ; http://zeroproject.org/policy/sweden-2/
- Leeds Survivor-Led Crisis Service
- Maytree Sanctuary for the Suicidal in London
See: http://www.maytree.org.uk/
- Intentional Peer Support (IPS)
See: http://www.intentionalpeersupport.org/
- Peer-Advocacy and Peer train-the-trainers programmes, By Fundacion Mundo Bipolar in Spain https://ru.scribd.com/doc/295988242/Articulo-Vertex,
And by Advocacy-France in France http://www.pairadvocacy.eu/
- Peer-run crisis and support services, including:
Peer-run respite houses, Western Mass Recovery Learning Community (RLC), USA http://www.westernmassrlc.org/about-us
Weglaufhauses Villa Stöckle, Germany http://www.weglaufhaus.de/
- Soteria House
Soteria and Other Alternatives to Acute Psychiatric Hospitalization A Personal and Professional Review LOREN R MOSHER, M.D. 1, 2, THE JOURNAL OF NERVOUS AND MENTAL DISEASE 187:142-149, 1999 http://psychrights.org/research/Digest/Effective/soteria.pdf
Nischk, D., & Rusch, J. (2019). What makes Soteria work? On the effect of a therapeutic milieu on self-disturbances in the schizophrenia syndrome. Psychopathology, 1-8. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31390648
- Support for withdrawal
See: http://www.peter-lehmann-publishing.com/books1/withdraw.htm
The Inner Compass: The Withdrawal Project: https://withdrawal.theinnercompass.org
Will Hall, Harm reduction: https://willhall.net/comingoffmeds/
Tapering strips https://www.taperingstrip.org/about-the-project/
We also recommend:
The 4PI National Standards, developed by the National Survivor User Network (NSUN), in the UK. These are standards for good practice and to measure, monitor and evaluate involvement, which consist of: * Principles * Purpose * Presence * Process * Impact (see: http://www.nsun.org.uk/assets/downloadableFiles/4pi.-ni-standards-for-web.pdf)
Most of these services and practices are user-led and not only provide help to people in need, but they also serve as a tool for empowerment of user groups and contribute to their meaningful inclusion in the community.
See also:
Gooding, P; McSherry, B; Roper, C and Grey, F (2018) Alternatives to Coercion in Mental Health Settings: A Literature Review, Melbourne: Melbourne Social Equity Institute, University of Melbourne
Mental Health Europe, Report on Promising practices in prevention, reduction and elimination of coercion across Europe (2019): https://mhe-sme.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Coercion-Report-1.pdf
The list above is available in pdf format: List of good practices_ENUSP